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Title: Hypoxic training as the basis for the special performance of karate sportsmen
Authors: Rovniy, Anatoly
Pasko, Vladlena
Galimskyi, Volodymyr
Keywords: adaptation
recurrent respiration
normobaric hypoxia
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2017
Publisher: Piteşti: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti
Citation: Hypoxic training as the basis for the special performance of karate sportsmen / A. Rovniy, V. Pasko, V. Galimskyi // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2017. - Vol 17(3). - Art 182. - P. 1180-1185. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2017.03182
Abstract: Purpose: to develop a method of hypoxic training to increase the level of special physical fitness of karate sportsmen. The research tasks: to carry out the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the determination of the laws of adaptation of the athlete's organism to the conditions of hypoxia; to determine the state of special physical preparedness of karate sportsmen of 16-17 years old; to develop the method of hypoxic training by the method of recurrent respiration into the closed space; To determine the most important factors in raising the level of special physical preparedness of karate sportsmen aged 16-17. Results: Ten sessions of hypoxic exposure during recurrent respiration in the closed space were performed. Interval hypoxic training was carried out on the basis of the body's reaction to the gradual decrease the volume of oxygen in the respiratory air. During the reverse breathing, the parameters of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system were recorded in the closed space. The use of regression analysis made it possible to determine the main factors ensuring the duration of recurrent respiration. Research materials indicatestudying testify the need for carrying out hypoxic training, since the increase in adaptability to hypoxia is the mechanism for the development of the special working capacity of karate sportsmen of 16-17 years old. Conclusions: the results of the study deepen information about the features of adaptive mechanisms to certain competitive activities. Inclusion of interval hypoxic training in the training process contributed to a more significant increase in the anaerobic performance of karate sportsmen of 16-17 years old.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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