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dc.contributor.authorСаркісова, Олена Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorSarkisova, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationСаркісова, О. М. Особливості організації туристичних авіаційних перевезень / О. М. Саркісова // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Економіка, менеджмент та право : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : ЛА НАУ, 2019. - Випуск 1. - С. 113-118.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена розгляду особливостей організації туристичних перевезень авіаційним транспортом. Проаналізовано погляди науковців щодо особливостей кожного з виду комерційних співробітництв, що забезпечує процес взаємодії авіаційних та туристичних підприємств в умовах сучасності. Розкрито найважливіші підходи до організації туристичних авіаційних перевезень, які полягають у формах взаємодії туристичних підприємств і авіакомпаній, що реалізуються через: бронювання авіаквитків з використанням систем АСБП (автоматизованих систем бронювання продажів); договір з авіакомпанією на блок місць на регулярних авіалініях; агентська угода та діяльність туристичної фірми як агентства з продажу авіаквитків; організація чартерних авіарейсів. Abstract. Objective. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the peculiarities of the organization of tourist aviation transportation, as a basis for improving the quality of operation of this system in constantly changing environmental conditions. Methods. The theoretical methods of research were used for solving the problems, there are: analysis and synthesis of literature – to consider the peculiarities of the organization of tourist transportations by air transport, to distinguish the features of each type of commercial cooperation, which ensures the process of interaction of aviation and tourist enterprises in the present conditions. The most important approaches to the organization of tourist aviation transportation, which are in the forms of interaction of tourist enterprises and airlines, realized through: booking of tickets using the systems of ACS (automated reservation systems of sales); a contract with the airline for a block of seats on scheduled airlines; agency agreement and activity of a travel the agency as an airline sales agency; the charter flights organization. Results. Booking seats and ticket sales through reservation systems ere viwed. The booking and sale of air transportation is realized through Global Distribution System (GDS), which is intended for airlines and tourist enterprises. Global systems call then they have an extensive system of sales around the world. The second feature of the global reservation system is the ability to book not only air travel but also hotel services, transfers, car rentals, insurance and other. A contract with the airline for a block of seats on scheduled airlines is discussed. The block of seats is the provision by the carrier of a fixed number of seats to the entities for the reservation and sale of air services on specified conditions. Agency agreement with the airline is mentioned. An agency agreement is a deal with stock, that is, when a travel company gets the opportunity to act as an airline agency on its own (both for its tourists and simply for sale), which simplifies and speeds up the booking and travel documents. The travel agency itself acts as the ticket office of the airline, that is, it itself issues the tickets and has the appropriate computer equipment and access to the reservation network of the airline. Organization of charter flights for tourist air transportation takes an important place in the transportation of tourists is the organization and execution of charter (ordered) flights. The main advantage of charter flights is the opening of new tourist markets, which in turn gives airlines the opportunity to start regular passenger services. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time the peculiarities of the organizations of tourist aviation transportation are theoretically substantiated, there are: booking of air tickets with the use of ACS systems (automated sales reservation systems); a contract with the airline for a block of seats on scheduled airlines; agency agreement and activity of a travel agency as an airline sales agency; charter flights organization. Practical significance. The Survey materials can be used by tourism industry executives when planning routes using aviation.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: ЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectавіаційні перевезенняen_US
dc.subjectагентська угодаen_US
dc.subjectблок місцьen_US
dc.subjectрегулярні авіалініїen_US
dc.subjectсистема бронюванняen_US
dc.subjectтуристичні підприємстваen_US
dc.subjectчартерні рейсиen_US
dc.subjectvocational transportationen_US
dc.subjectagency agreementen_US
dc.subjectblock of seatsen_US
dc.subjectregular airlinesen_US
dc.subjectreservation systemen_US
dc.subjecttourism enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectcharter flightsen_US
dc.titleОсобливості організації туристичних авіаційних перевезеньen_US
dc.title.alternativeFeatures of tourist air transportation organizationen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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