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dc.contributor.authorБондар, Ольга Петрівна-
dc.contributor.authorКовальов, Юрій Григорович-
dc.contributor.authorКовальова, Олена Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorBondar, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorKovalov, Yuriy-
dc.contributor.authorKovalova, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationБондар, О. П. Об’єм вибірки в педагогічному дослідженні / О. П. Бондар, Ю. Г. Ковальов, О. С. Ковальова // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : КЛА НАУ, 2019. - Випуск 6. - С. 22-26.en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті вказано алгоритм обчислення об'єму вибіркив деяких задачах педагогічних досліджень, надано обгрунтування його застосування і приклад використання у вищій школі. Алгоритм дозволить дослідникам отримувати достовірні та надійні результати при коректному використанні статистичного аналізу в педагогічних дослідженнях. For pedagogical research, which is usually selective, it is not enough to simply identify the object of the study. You also need to select the number of study participants that is appropriate for the purpose of the study. There is no one-to-one answer that determines the number of study participants, who would achieve the goal together with the methods of sampling and application of the sample. This is due in the first place to the fact that mathematical methods of statistics are based on the concepts of probability theory, which are an important tool for organizing and examining the results of pedagogical research. Therefore, their conclusions are usually probabilistic in nature. On the other hand, the peculiarities and problems of the application of statistical methods in pedagogical studies are not well understood. This encourages scientists not only to look for answers to research questions, but also to pay attention to the problems of using existing methods. For example, one of the problems in pedagogical research is that formulas are sometimes used to calculate the sample size, which do not have sufficient justification for their application, and sometimes are incorrect in terms of the purpose of the study. The paper deals with two types of standard sample volume calculation tasks. The problem of the first kind. Find the minimum sample size at which, with reliability Ȗ, the accuracy of estimating the mathematical expectation Į of the sample population over the sample mean is į, if the mean squared deviation ı of the normally distributed population is known. The solution of the problem that follows from the expression of the interval estimation of the mathematical expectation of the general set is given. The second type problem associated with the sample volume follows from the estimation of the relative frequency deviation from the constant probability in independent trials. An algorithm for solving this problem was obtained. The algorithm for calculating the sample volume in the tasks under consideration, the justification of its application and the example of use will allow researchers to obtain reliable and reliable results when using statistical analysis in pedagogical research.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: КЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectпедагогічні дослідженняen_US
dc.subjectоб'єм вибіркиen_US
dc.subjectстатистична вибіркаen_US
dc.subjectмінімальний об'єм вибіркиen_US
dc.subjectpedagogical researchen_US
dc.subjectsample sizeen_US
dc.subjectstatistical sampleen_US
dc.subjectminimum sample sizeen_US
dc.titleОб’єм вибірки в педагогічному дослідженніen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe sample size in pedagogical researchen_US
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