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Title: Професійна самореалізація в контексті життєвої перспективи особистості
Other Titles: Professional self-realization in the context of the personality’s life perspective
Authors: Радул, Сергій Григорович
Кумпан, Олена Олександрівна
Radul, S.G.
Kumpan, O.O.
Keywords: професійна самореалізація
професійні якості
особистісні якості
професійний розвиток
Professional self-realization
professional qualities
personal qualities
professional development
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Кропивницький: КЛА НАУ
Citation: Радул, С. Г. Професійна самореалізація в контексті життєвої перспективи особистості / С. Г. Радул, О. О. Кумпан // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : КЛА НАУ, 2017. - Випуск 2. - С. 89-95.
Abstract: В даній статті аналізуються наукові дослідження з проблематики професійної самореалізації, в яких детермінується поняття професійної самореалізації, її етапи та умови реалізації. Визначаються якості особистості, які формують її здатність до самореалізації, зокрема, самореалізація невід’ємно пов’язана прагненням особистості до розвитку, вдосконалення, досягнення мети, тощо. This article discloses the analysis of scientific works that deals with the problem of self-realization. A great number of foreign and native scientists, for instance Baksheeva E.P., Gavrilova E.A., Dvornichenko L.L., Kokun O.M., Kronik A.A., Mitina L.M, Trotsenko N.E., etc., have been trying to determine the notion of «professional self-realizations», as well as its stages and the conditions for its accomplishment. Upon the thorough analysis we have come to the conclusion, that professional self-realization can be determined as the process of a personality’s inner life potential implementation into the outside social environment, which becomes possible due to professional relations involvement. The primary dominant qualities that facilitate successful professional self-realization are the following: adequate self-assessment, self-effectiveness, behavior flexibility, cognitive need, striving for information search, independence, readiness to risk, initiation, confidence in own forces and abilities, consistency of aim, diligence, persistency, developed perception, skills for information analysis, integration and synthesis; contingency, alternative thinking, memory readiness, thinking divergence, memory associative; as well the abilities to complete the task, to conduct scientific work, , to detect discrepancies, to overcome thoughts inertness, to carry out interpersonal communication. A personality’s professional self-realization is considered as characteristics of a whole life in the context of a professional field, from the stage of the initial professional establishment till retirement, and includes such characteristics as professional development and professional achievements. The professional self-realization model may include the following stages: professional self-determination, choosing a kind and direction of the activity, establishment in the chosen field, professional advancement and professional competence development. As the analysis proves, the problem of professional self-realization depends both on inner (personal characteristics) and outside (social)factors. The central idea of a personality’s professional self-realization is a human being’s development as a personality, a subject of activity and communication; a system-creating factor is a social need for a personality’s constant development and self-realization; the problem of self-realization has a complex, inter-discipline character; the professional self-realization occurs during the whole professional life.
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