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Title: Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact on a safe environment
Authors: Леонідова, Олена Олексіївна
Leonidova, Olena
Odnolko, Inna
Hladii, Oleksandr
Bondarchuk, Oleksandr
Zhadan, Yevgeny
Keywords: goals of sustainable development
anti-corruption policy
national environmental security
regional policy
administrative and legal regulation
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2022
Publisher: Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Citation: Anti-corruption reform as a component of the sustainable development strategy and its impact on a safe environment / Inna Odnolko, Oleksandr Hladii, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Yevgeny Zhadan, Olena Leonidova // Cuestiones Politicas. – 2022. – Vol. 40, № 75. – P. 232-242. DOI:
Abstract: The purpose of the research is anti-corruption reform as a component of the Sustainable Development Strategy and its impact on a safe environment: administrative, legal and criminological reflection. Main content. It is known, that the national security strategy of Ukraine identifies corruption among the current and forecasted threats, which prevents the Ukrainian economy from being depressed, makes its sustainable and dynamic growth impossible, and, as a result, fuels the criminal environment. Methodology: The methodological basis of the research is presented as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal method, interpretation method, hermeneutic method as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. Conclusions. Approbation of the developed plan for the post-war recovery of Ukraine (section «Environmental safety» should take place in such priority areas as: reforming state management in the field of environmental protection; climate policy: prevention and adaptation to climate change; environmental safety and effective waste management; balanced use of natural resources in conditions of increased demand and limited opportunities; preservation of natural ecosystems and biological diversity; restoration and development of nature conservation areas and objects.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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