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dc.contributor.authorСагановська, Лариса Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorSahanovska, Larysa-
dc.identifier.citationSahanovska, Larysa. Requirements for the Method of Determining the Weight and Centering of the Aircraft / Larysa Sahanovska // Information and legal foundations for the professional training of aviation specialists : monograph 55 (Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts University of Technology, Katowice) / ed. : Oksana Danylko, Magdalena Wierzbik-Strońska. – 2022. – С. 5-29.en_US
dc.publisherPublishing House of University of Technology, Katowice, 2022en_US
dc.subjectmethod of determining the weight and centering of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectflight weight of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectposition of its center of massen_US
dc.subjectreduction of flight characteristics of the aircraft during overloaden_US
dc.subjectdeterioration of the controllability of the aircraft when shifting the center of gravityanen_US
dc.subjectan increase in flight weight leads to an increase in inertia and a decrease in the lifting capacity of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectanalysis of the main elements of the methodology for determining the weight and centering of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectflight safety research due to incorrect or inaccurate calculation of aircraft weight and centeringen_US
dc.subjectbasic information about the mass and center of gravity of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectresearch of methods and techniques for determining the weight and centering of the aircraften_US
dc.subjectbasic information and features of the method of expert assessmentsen_US
dc.subjectprocedure for determining the competence of expertsen_US
dc.titleRequirements for the Method of Determining the Weight and Centering of the Aircraften_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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