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dc.contributor.authorЄрмоленко-Князєва, Лілія Станіславівна-
dc.contributor.authorСтефанчук, Микола-
dc.contributor.authorПоливода, Вадим-
dc.contributor.authorКікалішвілі, Марія-
dc.contributor.authorБодунова, Олеся-
dc.contributor.authorYermolenko-Kniazieva, Liliya-
dc.contributor.authorStefanchuk, Mykola-
dc.contributor.authorPolyvoda, Vadym-
dc.contributor.authorKikalishvili, Mariia-
dc.contributor.authorBodunova, Olesia-
dc.identifier.citationDigitalization of public services in countering criminal corruption offenses / Mykola Stefanchuk, Vadym Polyvoda, Mariia Kikalishvili, Olesia Bodunova, Liliia Yermolenko-Kniazieva // Studies of Applied Economics. – 2021. – Vol. 39, № 7. – С. 1-17. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe article considers the main aspects of the introduction of digitalization of public services and their role in combating criminal corruption offenses. The article considers the main aspects of the introduction of digitalization of public services and their role in the fight against criminal corruption offenses. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the role of digitalization of public services in the fight against criminal corruption offenses. The current problem is political corruption at the highest level and corruption in the business environment of Ukraine. The study focuses on the challenges that have accompanied a number of refo rms, including the reform of the legal system. Currently, one of the biggest reforms is the reform judicial system and constitutional proceedings. This is primarily due to people's distrust of the court. It has proved that the ability of society to overcome the phenomenon of corruption in the public sector has largely related to the willingness to transparency and openness of all information, anti-corruption maturity of both civil society and government. It is established that the fight against criminal corruption offenses, based on the tools and means of digitalization of public services, promotes public confidence in the government, becomes the basis for the formation of anticorruption culture.en_US
dc.publisherУніверситет Альмерії, Іспаніяen_US
dc.subjectpublic servicesen_US
dc.subjectcriminal corruption offensesen_US
dc.subjectdigital toolsen_US
dc.titleDigitalization of public services in countering criminal corruption offensesen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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