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dc.contributor.authorБлашко, Юлія Ігорівна-
dc.contributor.authorBlashko, Yuliia-
dc.identifier.citationБлашко, Юлія Ігорівна. Стресостійкість як професійна якість майбутніх пілотів цивільної авіації / Юлія Ігорівна Блашко // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : ЛА НАУ, 2020. - Випуск 8. - С. 32-36. DOI 10.33251/2522-1477-2020-8-32-36en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуті погляди вчених щодо поняття «стрес». Відмічено про важливість формування професійної стресостійкості пілотів цивільної авіації. Визначено, що на здатність зберігати адекватну поведінку в стресовому стані і швидко реагувати в кризових ситуаціях впливає рівень сформованості стресостійкості, що в сучасних умовах набуває особливої актуальності, адже кількість авіаперевезень зростає щороку. It is certainly that professional pilot training is a complicate, multidimensional and longtime process, which differs from other areas of specialist training, both as in Ukraine so as in the rest of the world. This is due to various factors that determine by the character of the pilots professional activities: increased requirements for the level of flight safety; significant economic requirements of exploiters to the flight; high cost of training flight and simulator training, increased level of intellectual and emotional load of the flight crew and others. At the stage of initial professional training the task of many specialists who provide this process is the formation of the future pilots knowledge, skills, abilities, which are the basis for his professional flying skills. The category of persons with a high level of professional stress includes employees of the aviation industry. However, in our opinion, ability to cope with stress is one of the leading qualities that must be formed in the process of professional training of future pilots of civil aviation. Ability to cope with stress, as a person’s ability to withstand the negative effects of stressors, due to the individual complex of innate and acquired psychophysical, psychological and physiological properties and processes. The task of psychological training of future pilots is to increase mental stability under stress. Exactly ability to cope with stress provides a person-operator with reliable and safe functioning during work in difficult and extreme conditions. Aviation workers belong to the category of people with a high level of occupational stress. Adaptive abilities to stress, professional reliability and ability to cope with stress are the main indicators of psychological readiness to perform professional tasks under stress. Therefore the formed ability to cope with stress ensures the successful performance of professional duties, maintains high efficiency during the action of stress factors, which is an important condition for the professional activity of aviation professionals. From the other side undeveloped stress is characterized by the inability to perform professional duties in extreme situations, which can to lead to such consequences as health problems and negative consequences in professional activities.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: ЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectпрофесійний стресen_US
dc.subjectцивільна авіаціяen_US
dc.subjectprofessional stressen_US
dc.subjectability to cope with stressen_US
dc.subjectstress factorsen_US
dc.subjectcivil aviationen_US
dc.titleСтресостійкість як професійна якість майбутніх пілотів цивільної авіаціїen_US
dc.title.alternativeStress resistence as a professional skill of future civil aviation pilotsen_US
Appears in Collections:Праці здобувачів освіти

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