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dc.contributor.authorПисьменна, Марія Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorPysmenna, Mariia-
dc.identifier.citationПисьменна, М. С. Науковий дискус поняття нейроменеджмент у сучасній науці / М. С. Письменна // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Економіка, менеджмент та право : збірник наукових праць. Вип. 3-4 / голов. ред. М. С. Письменна. - Кропивницький : ЛА НАУ, 2021. - С. 117-123. DOI 10.33251/2707-8620-2021-3-4-117-123en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто концепцію нейроменеджменту, виокремлено основні теоретичні погляди та пояснено причини переходу науки про управління до нової, інноваційної точки зору в умовах сучасних проблем організаційного й підприємницького середовища та посиленої конкуренції. Обгрунтовано витоки та напрями впливу переосмислення наукових досягнень та критичних змінних у галузі менеджменту на засадах нейронауки. Introduction. The importance and impact of scientific progress and digitalization have led to rethinking of the concepts of modern management and their unbiased analysis. It was necessary to find a certain interdisciplinary vision to provide an opportunity to study and explain the decision-making processes and develop strategic plans, which would lead to increased efficiency of organizations. The development of neuromanagement offers the prospect of applying new techniques and theories in management, referring, in particular, to the cognitive characteristics of the brain and providing important new ideas about human behavior. Neuromanagement is a scientific approach to management that explores managerial, behavioral, and economic problems through the prism of mental processes and brain activity. Purpose. The paper aims at revealing the paradigmatic foundations of the functioning of a new concept of management – neuromanagement by analyzing the modern views of leading scientists and determining the role and impact of neuromanagement on a holistic approach to management science.Results. Neuromanagement is a phased system that encompasses all aspects of management, from designing workgroups and selecting employees to training, delegation, reviewing results, career development, change management, and even discipline. The philosophy of neuromanagement shifts the balance of risk-reward towards greater effort, as well as the involvement of motivational schemes that are best able to solve problems, initiatives and cooperation, rather than avoidance schemes aimed at avoiding threats. Neuromanagement is often associated with neuroleadership or neurocoaching, as it uses brain knowledge to engage people and teams in organizations and businesses, and with neuromarketing. However, neuromanagement is fundamentally different from neuroleadership in that it focuses on the process of performing tasks, rather than on the socio-emotional connection. Neuro management always strives to give employees the opportunity to make choices, take responsibility, find personal fulfillment and grow as individuals. As a transparent, interconnected and expanded methodology, neuromanagement is an open-ended approach that provides credit. Originality. The use of knowledge of neurobiology in management allows ensuring a natural desire for coherence in satisfaction of basic needs and value-cultural combination, which in turn improves the physical and emotional well-being of all employees. Thus, neuromanagement based on neurobiology and task-oriented management methods improves short- and long-term outcomes for employees and employers. Conclusion. Neuromanagement is the latest approach to management, designed to clarify the conditions of human functioning, brain and behavior in various professional situations and help reaching the maximum potential. The use of results in the field of neuromanagement becomes urgent in an extremely dynamic and competitive organizational environment, given their positive impact on both individual effectiveness and overall organizational efficiency.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: ЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectмозкова діяльністьen_US
dc.subjectкогнітивні процесиen_US
dc.subjectміждисциплінарний підхідen_US
dc.subjectbrain activityen_US
dc.subjectcognitive processesen_US
dc.subjectinterdisciplinary approachen_US
dc.titleНауковий дискус поняття нейроменеджмент у сучасній науціen_US
dc.title.alternativeScientific discourse of the neuromanagement concept in modern scienceen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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