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dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, Надія Олегівна-
dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, Nadiia-
dc.identifier.citationКоваленко, Н. О. Бізнес-планування як інструмент управління авіаційним підприємством в умовах пандемічної кризи / Н. О. Коваленко // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Економіка, менеджмент та право : збірник наукових праць. Вип. 3-4 / голов. ред. М. С. Письменна. - Кропивницький : ЛА НАУ, 2021. - С. 72-81. DOI: 10.33251/2707-8620-2021-3-4-72-81en_US
dc.description.abstractУ статі досліджено особливості впровадження бізнес-планування як інструментарію управління авіаційним підприємством в умовах світової пандемії. Визначено вектори управління стратегією розвитку авіакомпанії на основі бізнес-планування в умовах кризової невизначеності. Представлено уніфіковану структуру бізнес-плану як основи стратегічного управління авіакомпанією. Запропоновано практичні рекомендацій щодо застосування бізнес-плану як керівного документу стратегічного управління в умовах пандемічної кризи. Objective. Theoretical substantiation of technology of development and use of the business plan as an element of strategic management of airlines of Ukraine in the conditions of pandemic crisis. Methods presented in the development of practical recommendations for the use of business planning as a tool for managing aviation enterprises of Ukraine in a pandemic crisis, as an element of improving management ideology. The business plan enables the airline's management to make the right and alternative decision in conditions of uncertainty and increased risk, it includes the development of goals and objectives for the airline, assessment of the current state and trends of the industry, business strengths and weaknesses, market analysis and information about customers. The business plan is a unified tool of strategic management, which allows not only to plan the airline for all aspects of activities and alternatives, but also by updating information and adjustments, adapts the company to change, thus minimizing the impact of negative factors. Results. It has been established that most representatives of the world aviation business, including Ukraine, have shown unpreparedness and inability to overcome the consequences of the pandemic crisis, avoid bankruptcy and withstand competition. It is specified that the development of the market management system in Ukraine in a pandemic requires fundamentally new approaches to the organization of strategic management of business activities of civil aviation, special attention in this process is strategic management using a business plan. It is determined that despite numerous studies on the economics of planning, air transport management and foreign economic activity, the issues of strategic management of civil aviation enterprises with the help of business planning elements are insufficiently considered both at the theoretical and methodological levels. The developed and presented structure of the business plan is a unified tool of strategic management, which allows not only to plan the airline for all aspects of activities and alternatives, but also by updating information and adjustments, adapts the company to change, minimizing the impact of negative factors. It is proved that the business plan, as a basis of strategic management, allows to analyze all elements of the airline, identify factors of negative impact, threats and opportunities, consider alternatives, forecast financial results and determine the amount of investment, which in turn will optimize the operation and minimize the impact of the epidemic crisis. Scientific novelty. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the concept of business planning of an aviation enterprise is formalized. The vectors of development of the airline activity from the standpoint of application of the business plan as a tool of aviation enterprise management are determined. Practical recommendations for the use of a business plan as an element of airline management in a pandemic crisis. Practical significance. The results are reflected in the possibility of their use by aviation companies, including airlines, in order to improve the efficiency of management using a business plan as a tool to improve the efficiency of airline management in a pandemic crisis Covid. The results of the study, based on the analysis of the activities of existing airlines, can be used by airlines to increase the efficiency of economic activity through the introduction of business planning as an element of management in a global pandemic.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: ЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectадаптивний інструментарійen_US
dc.subjectпандемічна кризаen_US
dc.subjectстратегічне управлінняen_US
dc.subjectсвітова пандеміяen_US
dc.subjectструктура бізнес-плануen_US
dc.subjectadaptive toolsen_US
dc.subjectbusiness planningen_US
dc.subjectpandemic crisisen_US
dc.subjectstrategic managementen_US
dc.subjectglobal pandemicen_US
dc.subjectbusiness plan structureen_US
dc.titleБізнес-планування як інструмент управління авіаційним підприємством в умовах пандемічної кризиen_US
dc.title.alternativeBusiness planning as a tool of management of an aviation enterprise in conditions of a pandemic crisisen_US
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