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Title: Matrices Associated with D-Distance Magic Graphs and Their Properties
Authors: Semeniuta, M.
Shulhin, V.
Keywords: D-neighborhood
D-distance magic labeling
D-distance matrix
labeling matrix
D-distance magic matrix
Issue Date: 23-May-2019
Publisher: Springer Nature
Citation: Semeniuta, M. Matrices Associated with D-Distance Magic Graphs and Their Properties / M. Semeniuta, V. Shulhin // Cybernetics and System Analysis. - 2019. - Vol. 55. - P. 441-448.
Abstract: Matrices associated with D-distance magic graphs are considered in the paper. Results regarding the spectral properties of these matrices have been obtained. It has been proved that if two graphs G and H of the same order have similar distance matrices AD1 and AD2 , respectively, then graph G is D1-distance magic if and only if H is a D2-distance magic graph. Graphs G and H are called magic distance-similar and their distance magic constants have been proved to coincide.
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