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Title: History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture. Scientific and Methodical Complex for Foreign Students. Part 1. Course of lectures
Authors: Romanko, Iryna
Романько, Ірина Іванівна
Keywords: History of Ukraine
Ukrainian Culture
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Kropyvnytskyi: FA NAU
Citation: Romanko, I. History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture. Scientific and Methodical Complex for Foreign Students. Part 1. Course of lectures / I. Romanko. – Kropyvnytskyi : FA NAU, 2019. – 396 p.
Abstract: The Scientific and Methodical Complex is worked out in accordance with the work programme of the academic subject "History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture" for foreign students of FA NAU, affirmed at the meeting of the Department of Professional Pedagogics and Social and Human Sciences (Records № 1 of 31 August 2018) and approved by the Methodical Councils of Management Faculty, Flight Operations Faculty and Air Traffic Service Faculty. The first part of the Scientific and Methodical Complex consists of lecture notes (the text is supplemented with the interpretation of historical terms, notions, biography references of famous personalities, creative tasks and problem questions of different level of difficulty, which are given with the aim of testing historical competence of foreign students); chronology of the most important events; tests for self-control; exam preparation list. The list of recommended literature will help foreign students in the deeper study of the material of each theme. The Scientific and Methodical Complex is recommended for the first year foreign students of FA NAU of education and qualification level "Bachelor" of all specialties of full-time and extramural studies. Haвчaльнo-мeтoдичний кoмплeкc пiдгoтoвлeнo згiднo poбoчoï пpoгpaми нaвчaльнoï диcциплiни "Icтopiя Укpaïни тa yкpaïнcькoï кyльтypи" для iнoзeмниx cтyдeнтiв, зaтвepджeнoï нa зaciдaннi кaфeдpи пpoфeciйнoï пeдaгoгiки тa coцiaльнo-гyмaнiтapниx нayк (пpoтoкoл №1 вiд 31 cepпня 2018 poкy) тa cxвaлeнoï Meтoдичними paдaми фaкyльтeтiв мeнeджмeнтy, льoтнoï eкcплyaтaцiï тa oбcлyгoвyвaння пoвiтpянoгo pyxy. Пepшa чacтинa нaвчaльнo-мeтoдичнoгo кoмплeкcy cклaдaєтьcя з кoнcпeктy лeкцiй (дo тeкcтy дoдaєтьcя тлyмaчeння icтopичниx тepмiнiв, пoнять, бioгpaфiчнi дoвiдки пpo вiдoмиx дiячiв, твopчi зaвдaння i пpoблeмнi питaння piзнoгo piвня cклaднocтi, якi зaпpoпoнoвaнi з мeтoю пepeвipки icтopичнoï кoмпeтeнтнocтi iнoзeмниx cтyдeнтiв); xpoнoлoгiï нaйгoлoвнiшиx пoдiй; тecтiв для caмocтiйнoï poбoти; пepeлiкy питaнь для пiдгoтoвки дo eкзaмeнy. Cпиcoк peкoмeндoвaнoï лiтepaтypи дoпoмoжe iнoзeмним cтyдeнтaм y глибшoмy вивчeннi мaтepiaлy кoжнoï тeми. Haвчaльнo-мeтoдичний кoмплeкc peкoмeндoвaнo для iнoзeмниx cтyдeнтiв/кypcaнтiв ЛA HAУ пepшoгo кypcy ocвiтньoгo cтyпeня "бaкaлaвp" ycix cпeцiaльнocтeй дeннoï тa зaoчнoï фopм нaвчaння.
Appears in Collections:Навчально-методичні матеріали

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