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Title: Система факторів, що формують мотивацію іноземних студентів
Other Titles: Forming factor system of foreign student motivation
Authors: Мельниченко, Тетяна Євгеніївна
Melnichenko, Tetyana
Keywords: пізнавальна діяльність
підвищення рівню мотивації
фактори формування мотивації
ефективність процесу навчання
комунікативна компетенція
cognitive activity
increase of level of motivation
factors of formation of motivation
efficiency of learning process
communicative competence
personal qualities of students
educational motivation
property of enhancing universal
desire to master activity or in artificial pseudo communicative situations skill of the teacher
study of speech patterns comprehensive
increasing learning performance system
necessary knowledge skills
success of learning depends
practical necessity integral
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Кропивницький: КЛА НАУ
Citation: Мельниченко, Т. Є. Система факторів, що формують мотивацію іноземних студентів / Т. Є.Мельниченко // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : КЛА НАУ, 2019. - Випуск 6. - С. 99-103.
Abstract: Стаття присвячена проблемі пошуку та систематизації факторів, які мотивують навчальну діяльність та факторів, є основою формування комунікативної компетенції. Формування мотивації залежить від організації навчального процесу, якості навчального матеріалу, майстерності викладача та особистісних якостей студентів. The article deals with the problem of finding and organizing factors that motive learning activities and factors, which is basis for the formation of communicative competence. Increasing learning performance is always on of the tasks of learning process. Educational activity, like any other, is the most successful where it is most motivated. The teaching assistant helps student achieve high results. It should provide students with the necessary knowledge skills to put their knowledge into practice. The experience gained over the years snows that the success of learning depends on the motivation for the discipline. The urgency of the problem under study is conditioned by practical necessity of forming motivation for studying with students. The formation of motivation depends on the organization of the educational process, the quality of the educational material, the skill of the teacher and the personal qualities of students. Educational motivation has property of enhancing universal (comprehensive, integral) as well as specific (narrowly directed, professional, instrumental) motivation as types of intrinsic motivation. It is during the educational process that the teacher deals with the difficulties of mastering the material due to lack of interest in students, appropriate concentration of attention, desire to master the material. The causes of problem should be considered. Probably they are: incorrect timing, rather careful study of individual speech, formal rules and phenomena do not allow students to see them in a single system; study of speech patterns outside of communication activity or in artificial pseudo communicative situations does not allow them to feel their connection with the sphere of communication, concentration of attention, which is interesting for the student, with satisfaction of relevant communicative needs. Students do not fell the social relevance of the material offered. In such circumstances, external motivations cease to play a role.
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