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dc.contributor.authorГерасименко, Людмила Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorHerasymenko, Liudmyla-
dc.identifier.citationГерасименко, Л. С. Розвиток умінь іншомовного професійного спілкування як умова успішної діяльності диспетчерів та пілотів / Л. С. Герасименко // Науковий вісник Льотної академії. Серія: Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць. - Кропивницький : КЛА НАУ, 2018. - Випуск 3. - С. 311-317.-
dc.description.abstractСтаттю присвячено проблемі розвитку умінь іншомовного спілкування майбутніх диспетчерів та пілотів. З’ясовано, що у контексті підвищення міжнародних вимог до підготовки майбутніх пілотів та диспетчерів забезпечення автоматизованих навичок та умінь професійної комунікації є необхідним компонентом системи професійного навчання льотних навчальних закладів. Вказано на важливість розвитку комунікативних умінь з огляду на питання безпеки польотів. The article is devoted to the problem of improving the efficiency of the educational process in the flight school through the development of communicative skills. Modern social and economic conditions require a new approach to the education system, and the expansion of Europe brings challenges to increasing student mobility, demands more effective international communication, makes easier access to information and facilitates better mutual understanding. In the aviation sector, communication is one of the main components of professional activity, since during the flight, the pilot and the controller must conduct not only standard radio communication, but also communication in the extreme conditions, where there is stress, shortage of time, increased complexity of tasks and lack of information for taking decisions. The issue of flight safety was a prerequisite for introducing increased requirements for the obtained level of pilots and controllers’ English language proficiency. In spite of significant progress in the field of improving aircraft technology in terms of increasing the reliability of its operation, there is an increase in human casualties and material damage due to accidents and catastrophes. That is why specialists are increasingly focusing their attention not on the technical reliability of the aircraft, but on the role of the human factor in flight safety. Document 9835 issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization states that in three catastrophes, which appear to be different in nature: aircraft collisions on the ground, full use of fuel, aircraft collisions with the ground, – 800 people died due to insufficient English knowledge. In addition, every year there are numerous reports of incidents and collision avoidance due to language problems. English is a significant component of preparing future pilot and controller, as global experience proves that improving the level of fluency in it will reduce potential risks during the flight. We divide the dominant functions implemented in the dialogue between the pilot and air traffic controller into four categories in accordance with the role they play in their performance: an inducement to action; exchange of information; maintenance of adequate relations between the pilot and the dispatcher; dialogue management. Thus, we distinguish the main communicative skills in the process of radiocommunoication: the ability to induce action (ability to express an order, request, confirmation, prohibition, recommendation); information abilities (ability to provide necessary information for carrying out professional activity); regulatory abilities (ability to communicate politely, ability to insist); interactive abilities (ability to paraphrase, ability to respond quickly to replicas, ability to listen). The development of these abilities in foreign communication activities will ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, prepare future professionals for the chosen profession and ensure the reliability of professional communication.en_US
dc.publisherКропивницький: КЛА НАУen_US
dc.subjectпрофесійна комунікаціяen_US
dc.subjectкомунікативні умінняen_US
dc.subjectмайбутні пілоти та диспетчериen_US
dc.subjectлюдський чинникen_US
dc.subjectбезпека польотівen_US
dc.subjectprofessional communicationen_US
dc.subjectcommunicative skillsen_US
dc.subjectfuture pilots and controllersen_US
dc.subjecthuman factoren_US
dc.subjectflight safetyen_US
dc.titleРозвиток умінь іншомовного професійного спілкування як умова успішної діяльності диспетчерів та пілотівen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of professional communication abilities in foreign language as condition of pilots and controllers’ successful activityen_US
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації

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